Recently on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I spotted a tuba player with his instrument on the SunRunner heading downtown to the MLK parade starting line. And this same band member just happened to be on the SunRunner I took home after watching him and his band march in the parade, tuba securely in hand.
This small slice of life clearly illustrated to me just how quickly and effortlessly PSTA's new SunRunner service has become a part of our lives after not even a hundred days in operation.
Being a senior citizen here in St. Pete, my Medicare insurance covers round-trip non-emergency rides from my home to non-emergency medical appointments. This benefit is greatly appreciated but we need to give them a minimum of three business days' notice in advance to reserve these free rides.
Life's events don't always announce themselves with that much of an advance warning. Emergencies can and do happen. That's why I have come to rely totally on the reliability and frequency of the SunRunner services to get me where I need to go. I am able to get off the SunRunner and make an easy connection at Grand Central Terminal for bus lines all over the area.
Rest assured that the SunRunner gets me to my many social events, too. With daytime service running every fifteen minutes, I am able to take advantage of last-minute invitations for lunch or for bargain matinee movies.
If YOU haven't yet utilized the SunRunner buses, please make it a New Year's resolution to give them a try. I'm confident you will quickly become a regular onboard, also!
Thomas Sullivan

Mr. Sullivan at a SunRunner Station