PSTA Fleet Technicians Win 1st Place at FPTA State Roadeo
St. Petersburg, FL—This past weekend, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) Fleet Technicians (Bobby Farris, Tyler Johnson and Paul Levesque pictured below) won 1st place in the Cummins Power Train Event at the Florida Public Transportation Association (FPTA) State Roadeo competition.
Other PSTA winners at the state Roadeo include: Terall Beery, who placed 3rd overall in the Bus operator competition and won the written test event with a perfect score. In addition, Peter Manis placed 3rd overall in the paratransit maintenance competition.
"We are so proud of all our PSTA employees who represented us well at the FPTA state competition in Orlando,” said Brad Miller, Chief Executive Officer of PSTA. “Congratulations to all!”