How to Use Transit App
The feed below the map shows nearby transit options and countdowns to the next departure, sorted by proximity.
Swipe left /right on any route to view the different directions.
Countdowns followed by waves are real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency. If not, you’ll see scheduled times.
Tap any route in the list to show more options
Bus Route
See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.
Service Alerts
Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.
Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.
View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.
Tap GO to get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off.
Plan a trip!
Compare trips side by side and tap each result for more details.
Select your preferred transport modes or minimize walking in your journey by tapping Options.